

New Silver Queen Coming Soon.  

Bengalmanor Strykes Glitter n Gold

Bengalmanor Strykes Glitter n Gold (Blondie) is one of  two Ch. Bengalmanor Lady Josellyn x Ch. Leospride Stryker of Lunakatz daughters retained for breeding at Bengal Manor.  Blondie is the lightest and is whited. Blondie most resembles her Mother. Although she never Championed, she was a hot topic in the show hall because of her coloring. Her Grandmother, Chalkmtn Lady Kissa of Bengalmanor also created some debate in the show halls because of her “Amber” coloring. Blondie is an excellent Mother and we are excited to see what she and Gabe will produce for us in the future!

Bengalmanor Lady Strykes A Pose

Bengalmanor Lady Strykes A Pose is out of our own Champion Bengalmanor Lady Josellyn and sired by Champion Leospride Stryker of Lunakatz. She is a full sister to Blondie. Her coloring and pattern are completely different from her sister.  Possum is a beautiful girl who has been very shy since birth and was never interested in being a show cat so she went straight into our breeding program. She and our male Gabe are producing stunning kittens. They are the parents of our newest show cat, Bengalmanor Sir Magnum, who is already winning titles in the show hall.

LunaKatz Gabriella of Bengalmanor

LunaKatz Gabriella of Bengalmanor. Gabby is the daughter of our boy SGC Lunakatz Sir Gabriel of Bengalmanor and DGC Therealms Jewel of Lunakatz, and is our most stunning queen! This girl has it all, a to die for pattern and a perfect profile! We want to thank Tracy DeLuna for the pairing of Gabe and Jewel giving us this beautiful girl!  Update:  Gabby has joined our other Queens and is currently waiting to be bred again.

Bengalmanor Black Lace

Bengalmanor Black Lace (Lacy) is the daughter of Bengalmanor Lady Strykes A Pose and RW SGC A-kerrs IMA Marked One of Chalkmtn.  She is a Melanistic Bengal and was a total surprise! A delightful girl! She has already produced her first litter and is a wonderful Mother.  We will be breeding her again this summer and are expecting her to produce outstanding kittens.